Saturday, 14 May 2011

Know Your NME / Album #3...

Dear all,

Firstly the title is a terrible pun on the Rage Against The Machine song, NOT the vastly inferior Green Day single. That band is a tragedy nowadays.

Secondly the title is of course alluding to the fact that 'The Not-So-Great Gatsby' has been featured on I'm as shocked as you are.
It's really humbling to think that a pretty scrappy video cobbled together in a couple of hours at the last minute in my mate's living room is now in a playlist alongside Linkin Park, Noah & The Whale, and Fightstar.
Also one of my friends pointed out that at the end of Easter Week, I was the  97th most popular video of the week on, apparently pushing the latest Noah & The Whale single back into 98th. Owen Franklin - officially more popular than Noah & The Whale since 2011. Ahem.

If I can get this single on and a few radio stations, which I have, then I must be doing something right... Time to capitalise on it.

I've been writing now for a few weeks and I've got about 7 songs, some of which are finished. I'm being a lot more selective, and have already scrapped some finished songs because they're simply not up to the standard I want.
The overall sound is a bit 'rockier' than the last album, it'll be interesting to see how I end up arranging it. I'm going to be in the studio pretty much all summer, with the capable Matt Thomas on mixing duties. Matt is a good mate and extremely talented all-round sound expert, and more importantly he knows the sort of sounds that I'm after.

I'll keep sporadically updating y'all on recording news, but in the meantime I have a few exams to get out of the way, darn it.

Oh, and here's the link to the video on NME, if you want to ogle/click "Like"/re-tweet, or whatever you will.


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